Increase Your Reach With Social Media Marketing

Increase Your Reach With Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has produced not only a fantastic way for people to share information with each other but also for businesses to reach out to their customers more personally. Utilizing social media allows companies to target individuals who might be interested in their products and to interact with them in a meaningful way. When a person encounters a business in the relaxed and casual setting of Facebook or Twitter, it doesn’t feel so much like an encroachment of their privacy, but more of an informal communication, allowing a feeling of trust to develop. With social media, a customer can decide the degree to which he or she wants to interact with a brand. The conversation may stop at viewing posts in their news feed, or they may prefer to go directly to the profile page of that company to find out more. Businesses should put all relevant information, such as contact info and web address, in their profile so it is readily available if viewers are ready to take action.

Additionally, social media offers a great opportunity to publicize sales, offers and other special events. Companies can even set up event pages and invite their fans to attend, which acts as a reminder. Another good idea is to provide coupons that customers can print right from their computer and bring with them to the store. If your company has a webpage from which products can be purchased, be sure to link to that page and consider providing coupon codes that can be implemented in the online check-out process. Providing unique offers to Facebook fans or Twitter followers only can make them feel special, and like they are part of a group. Social media is a great contemporary twist on traditional word-of-mouth advertising. When a company initiates conversation with a customer on Facebook or Twitter, it has an element of fun to it, especially when there are contests and promotions involved.

Generate excitement among your fans, and those fans will likely spread the word, sharing it with their friends. Those referrals are more likely to be positively received because they trust the friend who shared it with them. Because social media is such a popular past time for so many people today, advertising often doesn’t feel so corporate. Therefore, it is often times better accepted and businesses get better results. Try utilizing your social media monitoring profiles to communicate with your audience, and test it for yourself!